I use this application a lot. The only problem is it seems to have gone from 65mb to 155mb which meant I had to remove all of my photos. Big jump in size to just allow this little of an improvement.
I use this application a lot. The only problem is it seems to have gone from 65mb to 155mb which meant I had to remove all of my photos. Big jump in size to just allow this little of an improvement.
Im so happy with this app. And now The audio is working perfectly!!
The audio is working OK now. I love this app.
Im very cautious of buying apps. I take my time to research them by analyzing the descriptions, comments, and ratings. This app had 4.5 stars with very positive feedback. Also, I saw that there was no internet connection required. This was the app I wanted to get for a friend, and it was an excellent buy. I played around with program and typed in some hard to pronounce words, and the program pronounced them with ease. I also liked the fact that if I type a word incorrectly, this program will show me words with similar spelling. I did see that the dictionary sometimes only has one word for its definition, but overall I love this program. It really does serve its purpose. If you need a Spanish to English dictionary with audio pronunciation and flash cards, buy this one!
The advantages of this dictionary are: 1) Voice pronunciation 2) Easy-to-use and bug free 3) Keeping a record of the previous search and creat flash cards Areas of improvement: 1) More entries, including the compound and two-parts words 2) Thesaurus
Love the dictionary and the sound comes in handy once in a while. Would be nice if it loaded faster, but I can wait. I would love to have a better way to navigate the conjugation tables. The existing tables are very thorough, but scrolling through them takes quite a bit of time. Overall, this is absolutely the best Spanish/English dictionary available!
I really like this dictionary. Ive used Slovoed dictionaries for years. They seem to be the most complete dictionaries out there. No idea if this is technically feasible, but Id love to have access to all the Slovoed dictionaries Ive purchased within one app interface. For example, I bought both the Portuguese and Spanish dictionaries. As it is, if Im in the Spanish dictionary, I have to exit out of Spanish, and click into the Portugese app. It seems with the existing "change dictionary" interface (e.g. to change to Span-Eng from Eng-Span) I should be able to access all my other slovoed language dictionaries (e.g. Eng-Portugese and Portugese-Eng). Itd be less clunky and save some previous app icon space!
One of the best app on the app store.
I was prompted to upgrade my iPhone software to the next version. Suddenly, this expensive application will not sync. I followed all the recommended procedures, including restoring my phone "as new", per the recommendation of the iTunes Support Tech. This was a painful waste of time as, not only did this procedure not solve the problem but, I was forced to redo ALL my custom settings.Finally, iTunes advised me that situation is a hazard of purchasing applications - the Terms and Conditions explain that iTunes is not responsible. They directed me to take up the matter with the developer. Paragon Technologies GmbH has been utterly unresponsive.
Do not buy. There are better apps that have the same functions, that are way cheaper
I was very glad to see this get updated with multitasking support. Previously, every time the app took focus it would revert to the As and lose any definition or screen you had displayed. I prefer the new layout for the wordlist and entries, and there is now a back and forward arrow so that you can easily return to a previous entry. However there are bugs. Occasionally a definition gets "stuck" and no matter what word you select, the entry does not change. Only by killing the program can you use the program normally again. One change was a huge step backward: the word form screen. Previously this was a nicely formatted set of tables that filled the whole screen. Now it is a drop-down widget that is far too small. The word form font is the same size as the entry. Thus, by default, everything is crammed together and too large. It is necessary to scroll the contents of the widget horizontally to see many entries. You can make the fonts smaller, but there is no way to set the font size on the form widget seperately from the entries. Big fail on this one, guys. Either go back to a full-screen view, make the word form fonts configurable separately from the entries, of make the widget much larger. It the above issues are addressed in an update, this would be five stars.
I have been using Slovoed dicts since my first WM device. It was a while ago and I must admit that slovoed changed significantly. I like these changes even thought they slow down the app a little bit. To be honest resident feature was much more convenient on my WM device. But its ok here too. I give the dictionary 5 starts because it does not stop developing. I hope that my wishes will be taken into account in new versions.
It works perfectly on my 3g. Thanks!
It is the best app I got in iTunes so far. love it!
Slovoed is the best app on my 4g. What I like best is the Flash Cards and this update added Favorites tool. They are so useful! This dict helps me to learn some 100 words in a couple of days
Awesome dictionary! I love the design, but it is a little bit slow if compared to the previous version. I think the next update will fix this issue.
Awesome dictionary! There are so many examples and explanations. And it looks peerfect, very nice layout. I love it!
This is definetely the most comprehensive Spanish dictionary that I have ever had. It contains all the words I need so far. Very hepful! Well worth its cost
Good dictionary. Favorites is the best feature for sure.
Wow! I am impressed with this app. Thank you very much. Please, develop more apps like that :)